We are working to provide you best and most accurate IPO news, updates, and GMP (Gray Market Premium) prices. Founded in Dec 2024 our mission is to make ipotv.in the best site possible to provide news related to IPO in the best possible manner. I have seen a major gap in the Finance Industry who are dedicated to providing news, knowledge, and updates to only IPO-related topics.
All the news sites are covering the IPO news just like normal routine but my motive is to provide you the detailed reviews related to IPO segments. My belief is that one can make a lot of money just by investing in IPOs. I have more than 10 years (a decade) of experience in the stock market. Before starting this website/organization, I worked as a software engineer for MNC. But my always motive is to work with Fintech startups. But as you know many people do not care about your talent so, last I decided to make a genuine impact on the Fintech Industry by just providing the news, details, and updates on the IPO-related segment.
The stock market is my passion, I started learning about the market in my early days, and from day one until today market has not bored me (Apart from Saturday and Sunday 😁).
My second objective is to teach you the basics of the stock market which I enjoyed a lot. I promise you that I will bring you the basic concepts of the Stock Market for absolutely free. This is my best effort to guide you with my 10 years of experience in the Stock Market. You can Follow us on Twitter, Quora, and LinkedIn. You can reach me at my official email ID contact@ipotv.in or quizeasap@gmail.com